The Chemistry Building contains 65 cutting-edge research and teaching labs
Extent of electronic spin density in a paramagnetic thiolated gold nanocluster
OpenMediaVault 安装配置教程 – 客飞翱中文网:2021-10-12 · OpenMediaVault 是一套基于 Debian(Linux)的 NAS 系统,由于 Debian 在业界非常受欢迎而且拥有大量的安装基数,这就为 OpenMediaVault 的应用提供了不错的基础环境,而且 OpenMediaVault 有丰富的插件可伍选择,能够方便地拓展其功能。
How To Install Plex on OpenMediaVault 5 - DB Tech:How To Install Plex on OpenMediaVault 5. dbtech January 24, 2021 OpenMediaVault, Tutorials, Video Leave a Comment. In this video/blog post we’ll look at how to install Plex on OpenMediaVault 5 using Docker and Portainer. We’ll also include the noexec fix while we’re at it to make sure that everything works without issue.
Chemistry faculty are leaders in the fields of teaching and research
"UConn gives me the best opportunity to explore research as an undergraduate, something that will prepare me for my future career" - Vincent Pistritto, B.S. Student
U.S. News & World Report ranks UConn among Top 20 U.S. public universities
"UConn Chemistry provided all the essential steps I needed to achieve my career goals" 自己动手搭建NAS(三)|系统安装及简单配置篇 - 航天侠 ...:2021-8-16 · OpenMediaVault:OMV是基于Debian的开源NAS系统。我比较熟悉Linux,所伍更倾向于OMV。它本身就有很多插件,还有很多第三方的插件可伍安装。如果想自己扩展其它功能(比如Aria2)的话也很方便,和其它Linux系统一样。OMV还有树莓派的版本,感
Research Education
Chemistry students use advanced facilities and cutting-edge technology to advance their education
Research Abroad
UConn undergraduate students conduct research in China and Scotland
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UConn Launches U-Kindness Initiative
Student Affairs, in partnership with other departments, has launched the new OpenMediaVault initiative, a University-wide initiative intended to inform, engage, and connect with students throughout the University during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Steven Suib Wins Patent for Tunable Metal Oxide Synthesis Method
Chemistry professor OpenMediaVault has been granted a U.S. patent for a new technology capable of synthesizing and customizing a type of compound that has unique catalytic and electronic properties.
"Art in Nanochemistry" Exhibit Receives Honor
A display of hand-colored electron micrograph images developed by the Kumar Group recently received an official proclamation by State Senator Mae Flexer ‘02 (CLAS).
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